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The name Mush Comb is a shortage for the words Mushroom Combination. We combine all aspects of mushroom growing in a service package to our worldwide located customers. Since 2008 an extra focus was on our own new mushroom machinery which enables us these days to offer new Mush Comb mushroom machinery with the best combination of mushroom climate and buildings.

We are in the market to build up long term relations with our customers. We can do this only by getting satisfied customers. The satisfaction of the customer depends on a variety of factors:

- Advise where you can rely on.
- Our commitment towards our customers.
- Listening to the requirements of our customers.
- The quality of product we deliver.
- Good balance between product and price.
- Proven SERVICE written with capital letters.

These are the rules wherefrom we run our business. This to be able doing business with you now and in the future.

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Mush Comb



Nijverheidsstraat 2A


Tel. 0773983929
Fax 077-3988299
E-mail info@mushroommachinery.com
Website www.mushcomb.com

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